13th March 2012 Tuesday

I had like, a tuition marathon today. Woke up feeling very weak, i had a nose block, couldnt even walk properly. My heart was beating so fast. Once i woke up i went straight to the toilet for like 10 mins. After breakfast i went to the toilet agn. Damn, this always happens to me when i get sick. :'( Then i went straight to tuition. After 2 hours, set of to Kl central for another round of tuition. I felt like sleeping, my eyes were sore. my heart was still beating so fast. Thank God there were so many westerners there to entertain me. haha... There were also a lot of KC students there having there tuition, so we werent alone. I had short naps in the car on the way to Kl central. Then after an hour and a half, had to go for my piano lesson. Took another quick nap before reaching. At the meantime, i started to worry about exam. I was like thinking " OMG i wasted one whole day, but at least i revised my tuition stuff right? RIGHT?" my heart was like telling me yes, but my brain was like NO. IT MADE me feel so guilty! D: T^T Ill do my best tmr. Hope i can finish a 2 day work. :3 get everything planned out agn. Good luck to meee. :D
