21th July 2012 Saturday

Woo... It's been a long time since I updated my blog. Hahhahha. Didn't realize until pui née told me. Hehhehe. The second term exam passed in a glimpse of an eye, one moment I was studying and worrying and now I'm facing another problem, piano exam. Sigh... U know this time, I don't really have the confidence that I will do well, because of some things that happened since last year, I'm not prepared. But I'll make sure I'll try my best and pass. I really hope I pass man. I've never failed before. And I wouldn't want to resit either. :'( cries* On the other hand, friendship is going well... Although there has been a bit of problems here and there but we still managed to be there for each other and to help each other. Basketballs going well too... Nothing much. Competitions are also all passed. Been quiet. But the sun was still as hot as usual. Lol. plus I've been watching k dramas and tw dramas to kill my boredom. It's my habit already, hahhahha. K drama was rooftop prince. THIS DRAMA, i can assure tht, its the best in my life, like seriously. For the tw drama, Im watching absolute boyfriend. There is the Japanese and Taiwan version. At first I didn't like it because the female lead was Korean but she couldn't speak Chinese, so she spoke with Korean with the replacement of another voice (which I don't like) that's y. But the story kinda gets better in the later episode. I should just really settle my pending requests too. Lol. Or else it would bug me for my whole life. But it won't be settled that fast. I can't be going out every week. Lmao. and WE'VE BEEN NO GOING OUT LATELY, GUYS WHAT ARE U GUYS DOING. lol. We should just find a day and go hang out :( everyone busy busy busy. Aigooo. Lol. Best luck for my piano exam!!!! ;D I'll be back soon, to change my blog skin. It's getting old. Hahahahahha. Muacks <3
