26th March 2013, Tuesday

Today is second day of basketball practice and I can feel my face burning already. My Fair Poor Skin was just about to go sparkly and white and now..... it looks like this.
The other day, my bro caught a snail on the wall, and we put it on our garden table. No, we weren't trying to kill it or barbeque it, instead we fed it. I wasn't expecting it to eat because it should've been in a state of shock that it would just go hide in its shell, but it didnt. Maybe the shell was too small, idk. hahaha. but we put a leaf near it and it went devouring it. My bro and I kind of sat there staring at it eating for 10 minutes. hahahahha. can't imagine how funny we looked. we even filmed the process of it eating and call it our own discovery channel video. hahahahha. The video's in my mum's phone, I'll upload it soon for you guys to witness how that snail eat its victim(leaf) LIKE A MONSTER. hahahhaha. AND, I saw a lot of chinese orchestra people in school taking their instruments but no sign of my ahjumma. SO, i want to give a shoutout: AHJUMMA! EVERYDAY WE'RE SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHA!!!! i bet ur at like 7th floor or smth while im at ground floor. but WE DIDN"T SEE EACH OTHAAAA~ good luck to u and ur practice or stayover in school? and I hope i would get burned so badly for my next 2 days of bball practice. :D 
