28th June 2013, Friday

Tomorrow is Teacher's Day and my mum's bday! HEHEHE. Sounds like the happiest day! :)
and after tmr is.....
AHHAHAHAHAA and i found this gif, so relatable, whenever you hear gentleman

ZY and I went to Ts today to get a present for my mum, and we got a phone cover, we walk in, saw a shop that sells phones and computers and just grabbed it in just 10 min. hahahhaha. it was on 50% OFF. how lucky were we? hhahahha. then ZY wanted to have a drink so we went around looking for any nice drinks to buy but there wasn't any, and we had a low budget, so we head to cold storage and bought a giant 'ORGANIC' chips and went back to school! ahhahaha. This is the 2nd year I'm buying my mum's bday gift with her. IT COULD BE OUR ANNIVERSARY! -gasppp- hahahhahha. :D 
