13th August 2013 Tuesday

Woohooo, HI im back. Today is the 3rd day of Holiday and I've been playing a lot more than studying. I'm SO DEAD. hahaha. I even lost count of the days we have left to trials. I KNOW IM SUCH A BADASS BAD GIRL (oops, i forgot badass was for Becca's ONEEEEEE)

SO I'll just try to remember what I did during the 3 days of HOHOHLOLOLOLidays and share it with YOU. (cause i know that someone's getting furious of me not updating my blog hahahha) ANYWAY AUNTIE I SAW UR LATEST POST ABOUT UR ORCHESTRA THING AND STUFF, LOVE IT LIKE IT. so touching in some way. hahahha.

1st DAY of the holiday that doesn't feel like one, because there's this TRIAL-IS-COMING bugging me all day

well....hm.... I....I just spent the whole day on internet. hahhahahhahha. It was a Sunday anyway. A day to relax and just be lazy. I always go to the market with my parents. Look at Aunties, judge ppl, drink some milo. yeah. came home, internet internet internet. But although like I spend a lot of time in the internet I think I used it pretty much in a good way. I don't just go facebook to scroll or refresh, actually i dont even go facebook. (except going there to watch those rly hilarious vine videos) hahahhhha. For me, Internet time is like, NATIONAL GEAGRAPHIC or DISCOVERY CHANNEL. I just stumble into a lot of new things there. WHICH IS GOOD I GUESS. Everytime after I surf the net, I'll just feel like this unstoppable hunter or like COLUMBUS that found America. hahhaha. THEN EVENING CAME. WOHOO. evening is like my happy time. The time where I can let out the inner kid in me. Le me goes to my bro's room. "NOMNOMNOM BASKETBALL AHA?" le bro replys "GAOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" le us race downstairs, making hola noise, goes to le mum "MOOAAAAAAAA BASKETBALLL FOGOOOO!" le mom, starts babbling about us always going for bball, says some kind of thing about studies to threaten us. "YOU TWO GOT STUDY? HMM? NO? NO MROE BASKETBALL TMR!" le us " YES Y ESY ESY ES WE STUDIED!"
(yeah i studied, using the internet)

2nd day
pretty much the same as the 1st but the game we played was better. Jiho, JiaQian and Leon came. THE GAME WAS SO MUCH FUN.

3rd day TODAY
I studied a little today. then EVENING CAME. And in the middle was just fetching my bro in and out for school and tuition. The school's crazy, why would anyone use school holidays to have classes, and calls it TUITION in school. give them a break man. I actually pity my bro a lot. hahahha. because I"M LEFT ALONE AT HOME. OH SO LONELY. but its okay i guess. discovery time always makes the time pass faster. But i don't want the hols to end that quickly. *cross fingers* END SLOWER PLeASE.

ohyeah and I almost forgot to list it here.
I GOT 2nd in essay writting. NEVER EXPECTED THAT. hahhaha. my eng isn't that good tho. :|
