15th December 2013, Sunday

Ah...Finally some time to update my bloggy, and to my AHJUMMA, I'm sorry I updated this late and I hope you enjoy your China trip. HEJEEGHE *dino screams*

I never realize how valuable and unforgettable high school life can be. I really suck at showing my feelings, not to mention writting. haha. But in all, I really enjoyed high school and I've grown into a better each day, with the company of friends and my family, therefore is a part of my life that I'll forever rmb. Everyone and everything.

Drips and drops of our memories. (since I finally figured how to put my blog limited to users only)

Foreva bfffffs kay? *dino screams* 

I wonder how would we look like when we're older. W changed so much didn't we? *dino screams* 

Which ever path we take I hope we can still always be together, like during high school until Forever.... You hear me ahjumma, You veli busy I kno. always busy hahahahahha. 
and Tzarina, Please get married fast, I need to see yo husband and kids ahahhahhaa. AND MY INDIAN RICE NIGGA. 
to Beatrice, I'm looking forward to yo marriage too. (SHHHH I'm not telling her I wrote this here) 

Love you guys to 
