5th February 2014, Wednesday

hah, I'm back hah.

(Imma make one gif with ahjumma and get famous on tumblr one day HAHHAHHA)

Honestly, I've never seen myself staying for Senior 3 last year, I neverrr neverrr expected that I'd take UEC, neither did I ever had taiwan as one of the countries in my list for tertiary education. Now I knw why people say things happen unexpectedly. And another unexpected thing that happened is that BECCA STAYED back too. MYGAWD. You don't know how shocked  and happy  I was when I heard that THAT AUNTIE is staying back. I thought I'll have one boring year to myself without that crazy lady. haha. Now I feel so blessed to have her as my partner again. Yeah, days are going past just like high school days except that we receive so much pressure from the teachers about how hard our year is going to be and how much effort we'll have to put in to get good grades in our UEC. Although this year is considered as our college year, I still feel like I'm Junior 1 in school when I'm suppose to act like a senior. HAHA. But hey, that's a good thing right? Beatrice, Becca and I also decided to join the public speaking team this year. Public speaking was never my forte and I was a bit doubtful, actually I was EVERSINCE we got picked last year. A part of me wanted to join and the other part was denying it. Wanting to join because it would bring me benefit when I apply for uni next year and denying it was because I was worried about the time and effort I've got to put into it. I'm the kind of person that hates doing things halfway and back out, so I really gave a lot of thought about it before I joined, and of course I wouldn't want to join alone, so it was a pretty last minute decision. Since we decided to give it a try, I'll try my best to do good and improve my english at the same time, cause ya know, my english is going down hill. Wouldn't want that to happen before going to uni. NO NO NO.

As for next year, Beatrice and Becca sort of have their plans already except for me, even Yuan had her ambition fixed ever since I knew her. /sighs/ I'll probably use this year to find out what I really like and what course I'm going to proceed after graduating high school. It's kind of hard for me because I  don't entirely decide on something just because I like it, as I said I hate doing things halfway, and I wouldn't want to study a course for years and then realize that it isn't what I really really like. But, I mean, everyone experiences that, people don't discover what they like when their 17 or 18 years old, maybe they'll only notice it when they are 25 or 30, so yeah, I'll just try my best to be wise while choosing so that I can start at the right path and finished what I started.

wish you all the best of luck this year and gallop all the way to success! :D
