May 5th, 2014 Monday

So 2 days ago it was Parents Day, my mum didn't ask much, as usual, it was just another day to pass. haha. My mum asked the teacher how was my performance in class. typical question. She even asked me what should she ask. MYGOD LIKE MUM...IS THERE NOTHING THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT ME IN SCHOOL?WELL actually I'm a pretty good girl so, HAHAHAHHA, nothing much to ask about. Teacher seems to have confidence that I can do it. So, I'll just believe that I can, although I feel like I'm slowly falling back in class, the second term syllabus are no joke! Even so, I will try my best to not play everyday. yes. hahaha. yeah I've been attending church quite frequently now and I think it's good that I finally have the initiative to go to church every Sunday again. I've been out for so long, there seems to be a distance between me and God. I watched a video the other day, about how to live happily and one of the factor is to be spiritually strong. Although it is kind of hard for me now since I've been gone for so long, but I'll find a way. I'll find a way back to where I've started.
