21st January 2015, Wednesday

I'm starting to feel like my brain is rusting day by day because I'm practically doing nothing at home, I tried helping my mum with her work but it doesn't really suit me. I just end up getting bored but I can't tell her. hahhaa 

So yeah, I've been going around trying to find out more about anything cause I thought it might help making me more clear of what I want to study for degree and I've met a lot of people, heard a lot of opinions so I'm trying to take it all in without neglecting what I think is right for me.

I also made a trip to Taiwan to see the university there and to travel. At the beginning I didn't really like the environment there but the people there are just so friendly. On the first few days we just went around xi men ding shopping and eating because it was like just 10m from our hotel. Seriously, if anyone wants to go there, one/two days of shopping really isn't enough, every time we make a trip there we'll always find something new, which concludes to bUYING MORE. lol. On the 4th day we joined the ground tour and went to Tai Chung, Jiu fen, shih lin nightmarket and others. The trip was really good overall and I'd love to go to Taiwan again with my friends. This time we go to the theme park k guys.

their buses are so cool. 

I'm more familiar with Taipei's MRT than Malaysia's ahahha

The Zoo


I asked him to look at the camera and dis what i get.

he is so stubborn. 

the man from china beside me. 

Making frogs.

the hotel in the Flying Cow Ranch was GUUUD


morning view

touched the nipple. hahaha

fed this dude.

this guy had a lot of saliva.

the milk there was GUUUUD. so milky and creamy and tasty.

"hi baby."

no filter. and I took it from the bus. looks so fake right?


oh look it's Becca

they woke us up to pick tea leaves....

I had no idea what I was picking.

this was GUUUUD


thanks to her for bringing us around Taipei. 
