29th January 2015

haven't been in the mood to update my blog so I'll just make a short post about the Australia trip!!!

We spent a good week in Sydney staying in Auntie Karen's house. So blessed to be able to be her guest and it actually saved us so much because we ate home most of the time. We celebrated Christmas with a scrumptious and filling dinner and spent the rest of the night watching Carol in the Domain. I expected Australia to be full of events and people would be busy buying Christmas gifts during the Christmas season but it was the other way round. Instead, people spend the day either relaxing at the beach or doing some chill stuff then go home early to spend time with their family (unlike Malaysian people who actually go out to the mall or restaurant to celebrate Christmas). This actually made me realize how laid back and family oriented Australian people are.

what we had for Christmas

on the 8th day we flew over to Melbourne to see my ahjumma BECCA! weeeeeeeee~~ We had so much fun in Melbourne with Becca and we spent most of the day until our legs were sore. Netherless, it was worth it because it brought us to so many beautiful and wonderful places where my mum fell in love with YARRA RIVER. (she's still talking about it now)


best lunch ever. 

Then we went to the museum.....too bad we didn't get to finish it because it was closing.


yummmmy japanese food in chinatown

such a nice picture~

hehehe bfforeverrrr! 

Juhm, thank you so much for bringing us around in Melbourne, you're such a good travel guide hahaha. Remember to wear a jacket and keep warm when it gets chilly and when winter comes ok, wear sunglasses and cap so that the sun won't burn your fair skin hahhahha. I know you'll do extremely well in school because you're no.1 ahjumma and I hope that you can find good friends that'll support you ( and bring you out to socialize hehehe) during your 3 years study in Melbourneee. (but ofc no one can replace our gang hehehe) LOVE YOU JUHM~


  1. YUAN IS HERE HEHEHHE. Im so gonna visit you n becca someday in aus :) cook for me okay let me stay with you for free okay hahhaha

  2. YUAN IS HERE HEHEHHE. Im so gonna visit you n becca someday in aus :) cook for me okay let me stay with you for free okay hahhaha

  3. of course you can stay free hahaha


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