16th May 2016, Monday


I can't believe on semester went by so quickly. WHat HAVE I been DOING?? I haven't been playing basketball for two weeks now, because winter is here and the wind is soooo stronggg and colddd. The day before wasn't that chilly, so I went running with two of my guy friends. We ran the whole campus in 11 minutes and I gotta tell you, the cold wind was suffocating but it felt guddddd. I had a runny nose after that run and I keep sniffling while gasping for breath. Gona go for a run today again. YASSSS!

Nothing much going on recently but I've been staying up so late these few weeks, my eyes are swollen. omg there was one night when I couldn't sleep and my friend came over to talk and guess what time I went to bed. 7a.m. YOLO. It was horrible.

Summary of what I've been doing ever since I came here (because I didn't update my blog ahahahaha)
I sneaked a picture hehehe (we weren't suppose to have our phones on us NAYEEHEHHE But who caress hHAHAHEHE)

When we went fishing during the end of summer

fried rice hhahha

Harmony day (which was kindaf the worse ever)

when chum decides to make gou lou yok ( I want to make siew yok next nyehehe)

Basketball during spring

Dinner with some chinese friends

when we get too hungry at night. 

FISHING AGAIN but this time during autumn

birthday partttyyy and we took liquor shots. That night was crazy


no idea what he's doing 24/7


Buffet in the casino

the casino's toilet was too big

introducing Clement. He's a good guy
we made this like thrice and we thought of opening a shop ahahahha ONIGIRI

walking to coles... the only place we go... 


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