13th Jan 2017 Friday

It's almost 3 am now and the reason why I'm not in bed is because I took a 2 hour nap BEFORE DINNER, so I'm like wide awake now. I've been watching food videos on youtube and took some "which disney character are you?" quiz in facebook, just tryin to kill my time, googled some stupid questions and somehow the word "pregnancy" came up.

If you actually give a thought about it, this word could bring up different emotions or affect on a person and I'm particularly talking about woman. Some see it as something wonderful, something to look forward to when they get married or even before they get married, some see it as a horrible experience, worse time of their life and some, like me, just have this unending phobia about it. I mean, it's not like I'm planning to get pregnant right now or anything but, this thought always pops up in my mind every month when I experience the worse time of the month. Going through the pain and discomfort and all, I think I told myself a million times that I would NEVER want to get pregnant later in life, heck I don't even know whether I'm okay with marriage. These two words always made me cringe endlessly and make my pupils dilated. "MARRIAGE" and "PREGNANT". Both sounds like a nightmare to me, yet some people could make it seem so wonderful and nice.

The painful experience of pregnancy was something I thought over a lot of times and it was a question I already had an answer to. But while going through each and every comments women gave related to pregnancy, I somehow stumbled upon this question at the very end of the page.

"What if your spouse wants to have kids and you don't?"

I feel kind of sorry for a lot of people that got married having the same dream of having kids and then later on in life, one of the two just decided that they don't want to have children anymore, which led to the other to think whether they should leave or not. ITS SAD DONT U THINK. LIKE U LOVE HER U LOVE HIM BUT THEY JUST DONT WANT KIDS AND YOU WANNA BREAK UP. BRUH.

But after reading so many confessions, I realized, women are more willing to sacrifice their own children dream to stay with the man she loves. Like there's this one woman that said she buried her dream of having children because she'd rather be the man she loves than to be with another and have dozens of children. THAT'S SO SAD.

But then again, if a married couple don't have children, I wouldn't say they'll lead a sad life but when you grow old, I mean, you could take care of each other, but.... you would definitely feel like there's something left behind....

WHY WHY WHY is life never fairrr.

I've been having so many questions about life recently, really random ones. Thank God I have google. But then google just makes me even more confused. lol.

I know this is like a really serious blog post and you guys would probably skip it hahahha but I figured it would be interesting if I reread it when I'm older. Mostly to remind myself how much I hated pregnancy JUST IN CASE THE FUTURE ME CHANGE MY MIND. I WOULD DIE. my period hurts too much. i would die im serious.


  1. CHUMMIEEE im also scared with these two words >< but i just choose to ignore and dont think about these too much.. hahah


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