25th March 2019 Monday

AWWW how long has it been blogspot. Im finally back for some updates yall. HAHA

Im sorry it took so long because i kinda lost my password and I was trying to recover my email as well. HAHAHAHHAHA. Thank Lord, somehow I got back my account.

meastrojunior@yahoo.co.uk (just gona put this here just in case i forget again) 

Where do I start. SOoooo, I finished my three year degree!!! Time passed so fast, I know. Even Becca and Mei hui are already graduated and working. Time is traveling at the speed of light man! I keep telling myself to appreciate the present but its just so easy to lose track of time, and all of a sudden, everything comes to an end, and we're forced to start a new phase of life all over again. BUT before THAT! I'm currently on my internship in the Royal Hobart Hospital and today is the first day of the 2/3 month.

So far, I could say that I really really enjoy working in the lab more than I expected. Maybe it;s because the people that were with me for the first month were just nice as hell. THey are just so precious and cool, and I couldn't help but to buy a little small gift for each of them on my last day at the department, which is the Specials Investigation department. There were 4 supervisors in total from that department, which was Emily, Susan, Deni, and Janet. hehe. I asked Deni and Janet whether they enjoyed chocolates or lollies cause I figured that would be the easiest kind of gift to give them. DIDNT DAre to ask EMILY or susan cuz they are pretty scary at times. hahhaahaa. Janet was this old lady that was healthy af and she only eats like salad during her lunch, but she said she ate lindt chocolates so i purposely picked that brand, and Deni said he preferred chocolate than lollies, so i bought them both lindth chocolates. FOr EMily and susan, they both liked lolllies more, so i just bought them two packs of snakes. XD and they absolutely loved it, which made me really really happy. :) awww. I got along so well with Deni and we even joke around during work. It was the best experience ever! what a dream would it be if I could actually work with them awesome people.

SInce Emily is currently pregnant, and she's going to be due at around august, so she will not be working anymore. SO there will be a pposition available at the specials department, plus august is also the time when i graduate. SOOSOOSOSOS fingers crossed, I hope I can get a job at RHH. BUT then this causes another problem, because my poor baby boi is working in Perth. And he calls me everyday, saying that he wants me to go over after graduation. Im worried tho. LIke, would it work out. I mean, we could travel to see each other every alternate weekends, but.... things would change. And he toldd me he hates staying apart from me, if I actually do get the job and take it up, it'll be at least a 12 month contract up to 2 years. :( it wont be possible for him to give up his job in Perth just to come over to Hobart to see me too. :( wells, i mean im not too worried about it now, but, we're gona have to have a serious talk soon.

Anyways, i wanted to go on more hobart adventures to get nice pictures to put it in my blog, but since auntie becca is just so eager for me to update my blog, here goes a few that I took in the past month. :D

