19th June 2019, Wednesday

Thought I'd update since I am not working today. heee heee.
Image result for chill gif

Wow in a blink of an eye my internship ended, I learned a lot like A LOT working in real life lab and I also made new friends which is unexpectedly good. Deni and I have became good friends and he has agreed to be my referee for the upcoming job that I will be applying for in the hospital. ugh... at this point, the future is so uncertain, it feels so weirdly different. During uni and high school, all i had to do is plan what to study and I can actually kinda estimate my performance from how hard working I am. BUT getting a job after grad is SO DIFFERENT, like even if you think you're good enough, there are many other factors that might affect the outcome. I guess i just need to learn how to chill and go with flow.

I am currently working on my resume, cover letter and selection criteria's. I hope everything goes well :) and also for my VISA AS WELL UGH. thinking of whether to get an agent to do it for me for the convenience or just do it on my own. but then there's a risk of making mistakes and not having my visa granted. OH *pukes*

BUT ALL THAT REALITY ASIDE, I hope I can discover more of Tasmania during this break. Coming to hobart, I found this city to be sooooo beautiful and attractive, that it makes me wanna stay here for a couple years longer. All my friends are like DAMN IM OUT OF THIS SHITI HOLE. but to me hobart is perfect. HAHHAHA

IM just gona share some pics of some places I visited, to keep track ;) and so that i can add to the collection in the future.





 outside the hospital while waiting for my bus hehe

 OH THIS FISH restaurant is so goodd. in south hobart
 Lavender farm port arthur

 random day at work 

Best coffee I had in MOonah

back in launceston during exam week
