20th June 2020, Saturday

Hey blogspot!

So every time I actually get the mood and peace of mind to update my blog, I would have to change my password. EvEry DaMn SinGle TiMe. Cause it appears that I am only in the mood to update my blog once a year, but hey, its still something right ? :)

My birthday just passed and well... I didn't do much except for going for basketball the whole afternoon then coming back to have some good chinese takeaway and CAKE!! I realized the older I get, the people who wishes me Happy birthday gets lesser because ya know, those are the people who really think of you and care about you. :) Not saying if they didn't wish me that they don't care about me lah. hehe. But that's just part of growing up I guess, your circle of friends starts to get smaller and smaller.

At this point of my life, I had a lot of great things happening this month. I would say this is like the luckiest month I had in my whole life. Here is why:

1. I got my permanent residency granted in 3 months.
2. And because of that, I had the chance to apply for the Scientist job and got it!

That was my third time going for an interview for the same position, but for different departments. SOoooo I guess I am fated to be in Biochemistry after all. XD

There is still no updates of when my training will start, but I assume it will be after they found someone to replace my job. I hope it wont be too soon, because scientists have rly weird working hours, and I am too used to my 2 -10 pm shifts. /tears/ To add onto that, my role also covers 24 hour working shifts in the hospital. soooooo ahem... dont think ill be able to take that on so soon because there is only one scientist working and u gotta be experienced to take that night shift. oof and im just a tinni winni graduate :)

OTHER THAN WORK, i gotta say my life is pretty boring. I havent been going out lately, just the most, to takeaway coffee. ive been depressed during weekends cuz i feel like i havent utilized it well. /sigh/ i havaent been meeting people. my life has been basically quiet. I dont know if this is good or bad, but no worries, my mental health is fine. Just i get bored rly easily. And then I would think about how diff life will  be if I was back home... and then monday comes, and its all repeating again.

Anyways, im just gona end this post by saying, im so grateful with all the blessings that came my way this month, and I hope I can see my family and friends back in Malaysia soon.
