10th July 2012 Friday

It's Friday FRIDAY OHYEAH. and i've wasted all my time on computer. I FEEL SO GUILTY. TODAY IN SCHOOL. A lot of things happen. But i don't quite rmb.LOL. *whispers maybe i should write it down nxt time. Hmm....OH! During math class, Henry (who was sitting in front of me, and the one that always makes my wife blush. IM NOT JELLO KAY.) turned around, and i think he was in a mood for adrenaline. Therefore, i grabbed my pencil (as usual) he grabs anything he wants without asking, and started drawing on my table. YEAH, so he was drawing me at first, which turned out very very UGLY but funny at the same time, thn Tzar, Him and I took turns to draw each other. It was really funny. THE NOSE he drew was.... i don't even know how to describe it. We were particually LOAO-ing there. Rachael LOW even promised me that if i ever played basketball starting from today, i would have to make up a convo for her and KK for 2 days.HAHHAHHAHHAHHHA. Dont be angry when u see this. lol. And JOEY. OHMG I ALMOST FORGOT. SHE STOLE MY NECK'S VIRGINITY! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I ALMOST FORGOT............. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. JOEY! U....U....U..... *dies* IT ALL HAPPENED DURING 2nd RECESS WHEN I THOUGHT OF GOING DOWN TO PLAY BBALL. I was on my way down, but she was sitting there babbling that she doesn't allow me to go play because of my leg. Nothing could stop me. LOL. when i was walking out, i just felt like giving her a hug, SO i walked back, toward her, and opened my arms wide for her to hug. SHE WAS SITTING DOWN. AND WHEN SHE STOOD UP TO HUG ME. SHE....SHE.....*dies agn* SHE 뽀뽀 MY NECK. AND I WAS LIKE. AH. it wasn't tht bad when it happened, BUT AFT recess, i totally forgot about it, THN SHE ReMINDED ME. AND THN THATS WHEN I FELT SO WRONG........wrong........SO WRONG.... *sigh* i've nvr thought this could happen to me. with EUNHYUK. AIGOoooo. i will rmb this forever. MY neck. is no more a virgin. 난 당신을 죽이고 싶어!!!!! ahahhahhha.
