22th August 2012, Wednesday

Time passes real fast doesn't it? It's already Wednesday and school's going to reopen really soon. :( I didn't even go anywhere for a vacation this holiday. *cries* Despite that, i've been trying to find fun stuff to do to avoid studying.
For today, my bro and I saved a skinny little gold fish we bought back (it was actually suppose to be fed to the bigger fishes, but, he was infected and his gills where swollen and red, so my bro didn't want to risk making his big fish get infected, he left that guy out). My bro wanted to kill him.and dissect him. But then i told him y not we try to cure him, would be interesting. He agreed. And then we got all the tools out. Water supply for the gills during operation, tooth-picks (to check the gills) *FYI: he didnt die* etc. We took the little fish out from the pail and started the operation. The process was successful and now his resting in the pail, gills aren't that swollen anymore. When we opened the gills to check, we saw one small ball, THAT LOOKED LIKE A TUMOR. we scraped it out. yeah. for both sides. SAVE. end of day- :))
I miss you. <3
