11th October 2012, Thursday

Thinking about it during dinner made me really pissed off about what happened today. Like WTF is wrong with all the disciplinary board teachers? It seems like they don't have ANY common sense at all. EVEN the students can think for themselves what is suppose to be right and what is suppose to be wrong. NO THEY CAN'T differentiate that because all they do is make things which are right like its a crime or something. YOU KNOW WHY? Because they think they have the power to control people and this causes them to not even use their common sense to think. It's like before even opening their mouth to scold someone, everything doesn't go through their brain. Ohwait, maybe they don't have a brain. yeah, must be or else how could a human being be that stupid? And for the new rule everyone: No musical instruments in school, if you get spotted. All ur musical instruments will be confisticated. A ROUND OF APPLAUSE EVERYONE. wtf is wrong with u people. Just because you have none of the talents and have a boring life, Now u want to destroy all of our talent. WTF LIKE WTF. From now on i have no more respect for all of you even though it's what i'm suppose to do as a student. It's not that i want to create troubles and be a problematic kid. But it's because YOU don't deserve any. From ME and from any of the students in this school. I wouldn't mind if the prefects are on your side tho. Because all they do is follow the instructions like a blind and brainless kid. AND YOU SAY that We students are suppose to learn from prefects? YEAH RIGHT, to learn how to kiss your asses, that's the only thing they do. prefects. haha! what a laughing stock. (but i don't mean all prefects) It's really funny you know, when the prefects approach you and ask you to do something vry stupid just because it's the rules of the school. I MEAN. I don't mind the rules. Rules are good, it keeps the school from having problems BUT, the way they handle it. It's just too stupid to be accepted. They don't even have consideration for others.

i don't really want to talk anymore.
Peace out. -

Ps: the only person you can lean on is urself. found tht out today.
