23th October 2012, Tuesday

In a blink of an eye, time passes so fast. It's already the end of the year and school is going to end soon. It was like just yesterday when we had our PMR and JUEC, i guess soon we'll all be sitting for our SPM. Time , why can't you stop for me? :{ I've been sick since Sunday. Went out with Reb and Tzar, but i wasn't really in the mood into having fun and playing. Just didn't have the strength. I left early with a slight fever. Went home, changed, took medicine then slept. Since then my fever subsided, But i still have block nose. Which is one of the "nose sickness" i hate the most because i cant taste my FOOD. AHHHHH! But it got better today. HEHEHE. yessss -grins. Thought of going for runs today but unfortunately, i still had my flu, ran like 2 rounds, felt like i was dying. I guess I'll have to wait for a few more days till my flu gets better before going for runs again. Ohyeah, and i brought my sports shoe todayyy.hhahha... I didn't want anymore blisters :'(
After 2nd recess, the teachers didn't do much so we we're all free and bored, and you know the feeling when you get used to doing nothing, You don't want to do anything, even if u have something to do. It was Bm period, and the teacher wanted us to do karangan. LOL. Like who would do tht? So Angel and I went to the back to play some kind of crime investigation card game, we we're reading the instructions and stuff and then Xin yu came along and seemed interested to join in too. BEFORE we even started the game, the teacher came and started nagging at us. Then we were like keeping the card while nodding, then she confiscated it. == the bell rang, class ended, she took the cards with her, Angel and Xinyu went to chase after her to get bk the card (because it wasn't ours) and end up coming back after 2 periods with a 小过 each. I'm so not in the mood to type a more detailed post today. Sorry guys. :) It's a cold day, rains practically everyday.

-peace out peeps. ;)
